A stream of consiousness from a random guy who cares nothing about spelling or grammar news, but love GOD family friends & football (mostly Clemson football)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

In REASON we Trust?

Yesterday I was driving home and saw a liscense plate that had the tag-line "In REASON we trust." Am I the only one that finds this funny? I know this poor guy thought he was being ultra inteligent, but I think if you actually use reason you would agree that he is actually a moron. (Or MO-ron if your from Lyman, SC)
Ok, so bear with me as I chase a little bit of a rabbit....
To trust in reason is basically to trust your own understanding. The BIBLE clearly tells us to "lean not on our OWN understanding." But this guy probably wouldn't listen much to the BIBLE. But if we trusted in our own ability we will often fall short.
Let's take the whole GOD thing out of the equation for a second. When I make decisions, I make them based solely on what I know now. Mind you I try to make educated guesses about what will happen in the future, but there are no guarantees that I will be even remotely close. SO what makes more sense: Trusting in someone who can see the BIG PICTURE, or trusting myself who can only see in the moment? Life is like a big parade. GOD can see the police car that starts the parade AND he can see Santa Clause at the end all at the same time. You see we are some where in the third marching band walking around the horse poop from a few floats up. And that's where we are making our decision. In the horse poop. Do you want to make decisions in the horse poop? Or do you want to trust that a GOD can see Santa at the end and knows how long the "parade" is going to last?
So, if you see another one of these license plates, just pity the poor Moron, they are living in the horse poop. Oh, you may want to pray for them while you are at it.


Anonymous said...

Take a look at this video link, it's what you get when you trust REASON...

Anonymous said...

How do you *know* that guy thought he was being "ultra inteligent"? (For future reference, it's actually spelled "intelligent".) Seems like you're pretty eager to assume some arrogance on this guy's part. The fact is, being reasonable often leads one to understand one's own fallibility and therefore develop the humility to question one's own judgment.

That gets to the fallacy of your argument. Trusting in reason does not imply relying solely on one's own understanding. For example, I may reason that my father is a wiser man than I am, and therefore I should follow his guidance.

You have, at some point, either reasoned that the Christian god is the real and true god OR reasoned that you should accept that as fact without reason (i.e. on faith.)

Ultimately you are using your powers of reason to make at least one decision, even if that is to blindly accept everything your minister (or preacher/pastor/pope/re-re-re-translated ancient text/imam/rabbi/mom/dad) tells you.