A stream of consiousness from a random guy who cares nothing about spelling or grammar news, but love GOD family friends & football (mostly Clemson football)

Friday, August 24, 2007

A big ole needle!!!

Today, I had two of my wisdom teeth pulled. I know I am way over the age of the normal wisdom teeth surgery candidate, but no worries, I am ok. Just in a little pain, but my maw-in-law had some good drugs that helped (This may be a drug induced post. I have heard about drunk-dialing, but drunk-posting?)
Why is it that with all of the advances of modern medicine that the anasthetic needle for dental surgery is the biggest of all needles? The needle that was used today, was as long as my forearm, and as think as my pinkie. Oh, and that little numbing jelly is about as effective as 3-iron in my hands. Back to the needle. I think this is the needle they used to drug Secratariate when he went through all of those surgeries. (Poor fella. He was a good horse.)

I thought I had more to say, but the drugs are kicking in a little more.
I hope everyone has a good weekend. (It's the beginning of the BIG-TIME BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION EXTRAVAGANZA PARTY BONANZA which begins tomorrow and ends next week.)

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